Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What Were You Thinking!?

Kitty in the window in the kitchen with front paws propped up again the window pane and I'm sitting here eating Lay's potato chips wondering...why did I just open this bag! That's ok I learned how to read the labels and boy do they lay a guilt trip on your butt! Ok those are put away! Now what is going on for today? Hub left to see his Dad for a few. I am sitting here watching the cat and the house and wondering why! Ah I know, I don't drive anymore. So that meant I had to go to the store yesterday and buy groceries! But before that I cut some of the grass. So I was already tired before I started that venture into the aisles of despair!! Had a long list to get as I was just about empty in the pantry, which is unusual for me because I like to keep stocked up just incase of a storm or some sort of emergency. And I found, it's fine to put stuff in your cart but, to also check out and then put in car and then come home and put all away.... What a giant chore that was. I had seven bags of canned goods alone! I stated with one cart but after check out I had two, haha! Tell me I don't know how to pack a cart!!  So today I am tired and dragging butt because, I'm not used to doing all that in one day.
I am OLD, so that would explain a lot! Anyway, While at the store I found a toy for the cat. One of those kick me toys! And of course I thought how cute, it has feathers on the ends of it...Cool he'll like that a lot!! (I should have put on that Duh! hat right then and there).

So, I get home put all the fridge stuff away first and then sit down and give the cat his toy!
Oh he liked it a lot, as soon as he got it he pulled out two feathers...Snatched those up quick before he could eat them. Then he stepped back and pretended not to really care about it anymore. So I proceeded to go about my business. Well, that made him mad (leave me at home will ya, while you run the roads, I'll show you... humph!)  He snatched a big black feather out of the end, looked me straight in the eye and commenced to chew it up as if it were grass like some rabbit was eating.
I hollered and stepped towards him. He ran under the table, I hollered at him again, he came out and ran into his cardboard house (we dubbed it the Time Out Box, he goes in there when he gets in trouble)! Or I like call it The House of Pain. Because you do not want to stick your hand in it! Or any other part of your body for that matter! lol, He becomes Jack in the Box  from behind his little door!

He went in and I pick up house and dumped him out quick. But I was too late, he eat that feather in those few seconds. Oh I was so mad at myself for being such an idiot that I pulled all the feathers out of each end! The crackle sound I found out was just plain old cellophane and the feathers were glued in the ends of it, from that point you can see inside and it is that stuffing fluff, like in pillows. I was so mad, how could they sell something like that? It can choke a cat, if you don't watch them when they play. Because as soon as I took off the feathers, my cat untied the bow at one end! I had to retie that and then I put it away.  Of course I had a back up bag of toys, little balls and such so he wouldn't be disappointed! Those can have feather toys in them too but they do not have thick quills in the middle they are like little marabou feathers. And they do not hurt them, as far as I know, they will pass though. So later today I am going to stuff it with shredded newspaper and sew up the ends tight and then he can play with it. I'm going to write the company too I think and ask,...What were you thinking?

That was my adventure, so how was your day??

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