Sunday, June 23, 2013

Fly Me To The Moon

Well, Sunday was the last night of the Super Moon, it was the closest to the earth it will have been all year. I took a few pictures on Friday night and a few tonight. I almost slept through it, thank goodness Charlee woke me up. He sits on the coffee table and says Mama over and over till I wake up. lol That can be annoying at 4:30 in the morning when he wants to eat his breakfast. Anyway back to the Moon. It was very pretty! I like seeing the crators and things on it. Here is a small pic of the wall I made from Friday's view. We had cloud coverage, so it looked awesome, like out of a movie!
And here is a shot from tonight close up in creator vision lol! Pretty huh? Not too bad with a 80x zoom Cannon Power Shot SX20is 12.1mp, not a Rebel but it'll do!
I know it looks freaky with the frame and all the funky stuff around it, but it looks better than the black surrounding it. I am just weird I guess in my artistic views, a little out of the box...dangling from the lid! :} Watch the bouncing ball!!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Powerful Voices

I found this on YouTube and thought these kids were awesome...oh my goodness there is so much talent here, these will be future stars! Iron Maiden Cover "The Longest Day"
and this one too! From the movie Legend "Loved By The Sun"
Wow! They sound amazing, don't they?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Yesterday, A Sad Day

I am so glad today is a little better than yesterday. I woke up to find my Pretty Girl (Yellow Pied-Cockatiel) at the bottom of her cage. I had her for 20 yrs. and she was the sweetest bird. She could talk a little, she would say Purty Girl, Purty-Purty-Purty, do the wolf call, and whistle like calling the dog into the room, and whistle the doot doot song (can't remember the name right now) and would give you kisses and loved to snuggle under your chin as if to give you hugs. Nibble on your ear. And play with anything shiny on your neck and run up and down your arm. lol And loved toys. My father and his girlfriend gave them to us in 93 (don't remember where they got them, but they were too messy for them to deal with! So I took them in and loved them till they have passed.) along with a male (Gray), who I called Mr. Meanie, because he was not very friendly like she was. He would just tolerate you, lol! I had to wear a glove to handle him, not with her though. He passed two years ago in the spring. So either it was her age or maybe she was missing him a bit. (I think the life expectancy for them is 25 years or less.) They do get attached to each other like humans. Although she was a little chipper when he was gone. lol I was expecting something to happen as I thought they were both hatched around the same time in 92. He may have been older, don't know. Her band on her leg let me know when she was hatched and that it was between Jan-June and she was egg number 30. She was happy and doing fine, no illness or anything, no stressful posture at all, just was gone when I got up yesterday morning. Here is a picture of her! She was a sweet girl! I will miss her silliness!!!
Sitting here enjoying the sun and the spring breeze (notice how she looks like a fat girl lol) on the back porch while I was cleaning the bottom of her cage out.

We had a house full of kids and a house full of animals...and now it's just Hub the Cat and myself! Sad how life passes by so quickly. You do not realize the years are catching up with you, with kids at home. Then when they leave and have a life of their own, it can be so empty here. Although I do love my kitty, like a child. Spoiled rotten to the core though lol.
My little boo-boo kitty. Hub found him in the trash outside of a fix-it shop. He was starving and had ear mites so bad he couldn't hear a thing. He ran up to my Hub and almost jumped into his arms. Next thing I knew, I was an owner of a new, what we thought was a kitten. I need to hunt through my files to find his story! :) Happy baby now, Spoiled! He rules the house! I wouldn't have it any other way either!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Freaky Weather Monday

Yesterday was freaky we had tornado warning and some crazy weather. The air was thick with humidity and rain was so hard at times I couldn't see past my porch. We got 3" total. We were like on lock down till 8pm. But what was really strange is we never lost power the whole time. Even with all the lightening strikes. I kept air off most of the day because lightening has fried my AC wire 4 times now (So it gets cut as soon as I hear the thunder coming). Such a tiny wire causes the AC to loose it's cooling power. We're not like the Midwest, where they can see it coming. Ours are usually rain wrapped, so you can't run from what you don't see! You have to duck and cover when they say GO! We've never had too many here on the East Coast that I can remember, but now we are braced for anything and everything as far as weather is concerned. I was prepared, my meds and purse I threw into the ds bathroom and I had pillows and blankets on top of the washer across from it just in case I heard that train a comin' :) The Lord kept us safe yesterday and for this I'm very grateful.

On a lighter note! Today I took pictures of some flowers around my yard before they get pummeled by the rain we're suppose to be get this week. I'll use them in my LO's this month I think. Some are really pretty! I have this Pink Lily with lacey white edges that is awesome. Maybe I will post a montage later with some of my favs.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Creating Walls Today!

Playing in PSP today making wallpapers, Gibson Girls and some old love expressions I wrote in 2002. I don't know if my comments section on my posts even works so I don't know what sizes anyone would be interested in. All mine I create are 1680 x 1050 and 300ppi. Back in the day they were 800 x 600 72ppi or 300ppi when computers were young and always saved the walls as bmp's and a few jpg's. That's before I knew any better! lol  :) I like the changing times and neat toys! Just no cell phones for me! ;)
Good morning blog!!!Today starts the progressive scrap at DSS. I love playing those games they are so much fun! I can hardly wait for Day1 to be posted!
On a different note...
Wacom Tablets, I use a Bamboo Create CTH670. Was asked about how to change the pressure sensitivity. Windows-Start-All Programs-Bamboo-Bamboo Preference-click Pen tab-Move slider on the Tip Feel to Soft or Hard level settings. Try it out and then set which suits your needs the best. If you have to press too hard to get the marks you want it wears down the pen nib quicker.
Another little trick is to use a piece of paper and a little clear tape to secure it in place or even those uber large post-it notes will work too. Attach it to the active surface. (If it gets dirty change out the paper.) It will slow down the glide of your nib. This helps when you first get started playing with the tablets, to control your movements.
Hope this helps someone...Have an awesome day! :)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

A1C test was good... uh huh, oh yeah, uh huh-uh huh (doing the happy dance)-uh huh!! I was a good girl!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Who Am I?

Been up for awhile, was looking at some plastic surgery botches, oh my word! Just be satisfied with what you were given, it was a designed plan. You can not change that age is upon you, it's a fact of life that should be taken with honor and knowing that your have traveled down a long road and you should step aside for the other journey-men/women. There is too much vanity in this world. Beauty fades, but what's inside your heart makes you the person, people should love and respect!

I had that reality check when I became sick with thyroid disease. I went from Hashimoto's Thyroiditis to Graves Disease back to Hashimoto's. It changed my looks completely. My hair turned totally white and my face aged 10 yrs. in a few months and it made me gain a whole person in 6 months. The thyroid governs every aspect your of life, your emotions, your metabolism, your heart rhythm, your blood pressure, the migraines, and memory loss. Every cell in your body reacts to these changes. I referred to it as a Rip Van Winkle effect. You can not stay awake you have to sleep all the time, there is no energy whatsoever. You cry at the drop of a hat, you feel as if you are going crazy! I suffered with it's wrath since 2001 and let me tell you it was something I would not wish upon anyone in this world. I went through a thyroid storm. And it all started after I quit smoking for 27yrs. My habit was masking my symptoms. I am now returning to normal, slowly but surely, my thyroid is dead, they killed it with drugs and radiation and my levels are now governed by medications. With the rapid weight gain, I now have type 2 diabetes. But that will change once I lose the rest of the weight I put on. So far I have lost 56 lbs. It's tough because my metabolism is still not normal, so that is an accomplishment in itself! It's made me hide from the world as people are and can be cruel when they judge you because you do not look like a super model or like a normal people. I am thankful for my computer and some very friendly people I have met along this path that was set before me and in the end I will become me again and return to a normal life (I hope and pray this will come to pass)! I am happy to say I did not return to cigarettes and I celebrated being smoke free for 13yrs in April. I was never sick or on any meds at all until I got this disease. Now I have to take so many I have a big pill box to hold my weeks worth so I can keep up with them all. My day revolves around my pill box. I will be so glad when that changes too!!! Well, now you know a little about me and who I am!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Made the new back and header this afternoon...I like it, suits my personality. Had some stuff going on this weekend that didn't make me a very happy camper. So I prayed a lot and God heard me and eased my mind and my situation. Things do happen when you believe! And I am very thankful for his favor! :) Someone does listen, even if I am in the room alone, he is always there!!