Thursday, June 20, 2013

Yesterday, A Sad Day

I am so glad today is a little better than yesterday. I woke up to find my Pretty Girl (Yellow Pied-Cockatiel) at the bottom of her cage. I had her for 20 yrs. and she was the sweetest bird. She could talk a little, she would say Purty Girl, Purty-Purty-Purty, do the wolf call, and whistle like calling the dog into the room, and whistle the doot doot song (can't remember the name right now) and would give you kisses and loved to snuggle under your chin as if to give you hugs. Nibble on your ear. And play with anything shiny on your neck and run up and down your arm. lol And loved toys. My father and his girlfriend gave them to us in 93 (don't remember where they got them, but they were too messy for them to deal with! So I took them in and loved them till they have passed.) along with a male (Gray), who I called Mr. Meanie, because he was not very friendly like she was. He would just tolerate you, lol! I had to wear a glove to handle him, not with her though. He passed two years ago in the spring. So either it was her age or maybe she was missing him a bit. (I think the life expectancy for them is 25 years or less.) They do get attached to each other like humans. Although she was a little chipper when he was gone. lol I was expecting something to happen as I thought they were both hatched around the same time in 92. He may have been older, don't know. Her band on her leg let me know when she was hatched and that it was between Jan-June and she was egg number 30. She was happy and doing fine, no illness or anything, no stressful posture at all, just was gone when I got up yesterday morning. Here is a picture of her! She was a sweet girl! I will miss her silliness!!!
Sitting here enjoying the sun and the spring breeze (notice how she looks like a fat girl lol) on the back porch while I was cleaning the bottom of her cage out.

We had a house full of kids and a house full of animals...and now it's just Hub the Cat and myself! Sad how life passes by so quickly. You do not realize the years are catching up with you, with kids at home. Then when they leave and have a life of their own, it can be so empty here. Although I do love my kitty, like a child. Spoiled rotten to the core though lol.
My little boo-boo kitty. Hub found him in the trash outside of a fix-it shop. He was starving and had ear mites so bad he couldn't hear a thing. He ran up to my Hub and almost jumped into his arms. Next thing I knew, I was an owner of a new, what we thought was a kitten. I need to hunt through my files to find his story! :) Happy baby now, Spoiled! He rules the house! I wouldn't have it any other way either!

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