Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Freaky Weather Monday

Yesterday was freaky we had tornado warning and some crazy weather. The air was thick with humidity and rain was so hard at times I couldn't see past my porch. We got 3" total. We were like on lock down till 8pm. But what was really strange is we never lost power the whole time. Even with all the lightening strikes. I kept air off most of the day because lightening has fried my AC wire 4 times now (So it gets cut as soon as I hear the thunder coming). Such a tiny wire causes the AC to loose it's cooling power. We're not like the Midwest, where they can see it coming. Ours are usually rain wrapped, so you can't run from what you don't see! You have to duck and cover when they say GO! We've never had too many here on the East Coast that I can remember, but now we are braced for anything and everything as far as weather is concerned. I was prepared, my meds and purse I threw into the ds bathroom and I had pillows and blankets on top of the washer across from it just in case I heard that train a comin' :) The Lord kept us safe yesterday and for this I'm very grateful.

On a lighter note! Today I took pictures of some flowers around my yard before they get pummeled by the rain we're suppose to be get this week. I'll use them in my LO's this month I think. Some are really pretty! I have this Pink Lily with lacey white edges that is awesome. Maybe I will post a montage later with some of my favs.

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