Friday, May 31, 2013

They're Baaack!

I worked out in the yard, cut the grass, well most of it. I usually cut it every week. I have my wheels set on 7, but bad weather made that impossible. I mulch it in the summer. I have to finish it up in the morning early I guess or hope too anyway. It was very warm today and I had to wait till it cooled off a bit so I started a little after 5pm, did the front and sides and took first break at 630. I did a lot (had to cut front twice because the grass was tall from the rain we had) then came in for a few minutes to fix Hub something to eat for dinner, then went back out and did most of the back. After I put the lawn mower away, I had to empty the bird food into the container. If I didn't in the morning I would have had a mess on the back porch from some critter a Raccoon or Possum (saw a female a few weeks ago huge, she was PG I think) or the Squirrels. Tonight I saw in the dark my first deer, eating my apple tree, I chased it off. Now I know where my bushes went between the houses. They were coming back from where they ate them down to bare nothings last year, poor things will never get to grow I guess. Here are a few pics of my backyard visitors.
These were taken about the middle of June 2012 around the yard and tree line. And here are the apple tree bandits and leaf and branch strippers!
Instead of cutting the rest of the grass today (90') I made some noise makers out of tin cans and garden twine to hang in the tree limbs to make noise to scare them away. My poor peach trees I just planted last year were stripped bare, this year they have branches coming back again. I hope this works!
Bet you're wondering what the heck is wrong with that tree on the left, it is a Granny Smith dwarf tree.When it was planted we had a hurricane that made it slant some. We tried to correct it as much as we could. We had boring beetles and they played havoc with the trunk so it grows like (The base was like a giant root) that, but it's ok the rabbits and squirrels like the low branches to reach the apples. Which is why I planted it in the first place and the other one on the right is a Jonathan dwarf apple tree so they get plenty to eat around here in the backyard. the birds love them too! I have seen a squirrel take an apple in it's mouth and drag it up a tree backwards, it was so funny to watch! In the front I have a wild bird Crab Apple tree. It has little berries that get mushy in the fall and they come and eat them during their migration south for the winter. Got that as a free tree through the Arbor Day Society. All kinds of birds visit, the fall it's mostly hoards of Black birds and Robins in the tree tops. Stripping all the berries off in a few days they will be gone! I have pics somewhere of them I will try to find!!
Forgot to post this little story...on Thanksgiving last year while I was still asleep, Hub got up to get the paper just at the crack of dawn and had a surprise waiting for him. He waited to tell me as soon as I opened my eyes. He ask me how many deer do you think I saw in the front yard off the porch??? Then like a little kid he held up his fingers in my face. Nine, I saw Nine, 4 large Doe and 5 young fawns (none had any spots but were still small.) He looked at them and they looked at him and they both just stood there and poof they were gone in a thunder bolt! He said he didn't know if any were in the back at the time, (I bet that is where the Buck was because the way he described it to me it sounded like it was a harem and I know he had to be close somewhere with all those young females). I was thinking maybe I should make him take my camera with him at all times, then I thought nope, I'd have to teach him how to use it! lol :D

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